Praise for ES4B in local media


The Empire Strikes 4 Bucks was featured recently in an article published by the Buffalo State Record. Culture editor Lucy Lopez interviewed the event’s founder and co-chair Nick Rockwell and parent Darleen Stry who attended our first annual event.  Here is an excerpt from the article:

“Since you were with a bunch of families that had kids with autism, I felt comfortable there,” Stry said. “For a change the people next to me didn’t look like I was an alien when my kid started to ‘sing’ between frames.”

For the complete article click HERE.

Get your $10 pre-sale tickets for 2nd annual ES4B

Open bowling tickets are on sale until October 25th 2014 for $10 for an hour of bowling and shoe rental. Please don’t wait! Tickets are $15 at the door! Click HERE to buy them online at Eventbrite. You can also purchase your tickets at Summit Central, or Summit Creekside, and soon at Thruway Lanes.

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